
Fire Oral Tactical Exercise (may be called "Fire Problem," "Emergency Scenario, or "Incident Command") usually begins with candidates being presented with information about the date, day of the week, temperature, and wind direction/speed.  Dispatch information is provided and, sometimes, a picture of the scene and/or a diagram of the scene is given.  Candidates are then to give a brief oral response as to how they would command the incident or task assignment.  Alternatively, the exercise can be a real-time "hot seat" format in which the candidate interacts with facilitator(s) and/or assessors; or the interaction with the assessors can take the form of an interview in which the candidate's responses are guided by the assessors'/proctors’ questions.  With any of these formats, the scenario may "evolve" (worsen/change) with newly-presented information (pictures, written-, or orally-provided information), or it may remain “static” and not change once the initial scenario information is provided to the candidate.  This module includes 13 practice situations.  An alternate version of the FirstIdea tactical exercise is the Critique format.  The other version of the exercise for the FirstIdea company is a tactical critique.  The candidate is given a narrative of a different officer who has handled an incident, and not handled it well.  Numerous mistakes were made on the scene.  The candidate’s task in this version of the exercise is to analyze the handling of the incident, noting what the officer did well and what he/she did not, and then make a presentation on this analysis.  This version of the exercise is not often used by FirstIdea, and candidates are informed in advance of the Assessment Center if will be.  There are 3 practice exercises in this format.

Each of our Assessment Center/Interview Training Modules include:

  • A PowerPoint slide presentation, along with Mr. Rockhill’s voice-over talking you through what you need to know, do, and say to prepare for and to excel in your test, structured oral interview, or assessment center.  This includes a detailed description of the exercises and techniques used by the consultant conducting your Assessment Center/Interview (if available) or detailed descriptions of our Universal products.
  • Step-by-step "How To" instructions for each type of Assessment Center Exercise/Interview.  No other preparation firm can match our detail.
  • Printable practice Assessment Center Exercises and/or Interview Questions.
  • Each exercise/interview question set is selected according to the consultant conducting your Assessment Center or according to the style of Assessment Center conducted by many departments and consultants.
  • Each exercise includes either an exercise model, performance checklist, and/or a suggested responses guide.

Price: $75.00